Information for authors

Submitting your article                                                                                               ESPAÑOL 

Thank you for your interest in submitting an article. All articles should be emailed to the editor ( as a Word Document (.doc/.docx). Please include ‘DGS: article submission’ in your subject line.

Articles we accept

DGS is an academic journal and welcomes original articles in Spanish or English. The journal accepts:

  1. Original Research articles
    Articles previously unpublished reporting on research, theoretical and also methodological articles. Maximum article length is 8,000 words including references.
  2. Short field reflection articles: Our ‘Voices from the Field’ section accepts written and audio visual contributions from practitioners (e.g. field workers, NGOs and international organisations), activists, independent researchers and others working in the field to write in about their practice, views and perspectives, about areas and issues from the field that may often be neglected by academic circles. Our objective is to provide a critical space and prioritise the voices of practitioners and others in the field (especially those in the global South) and bring academia and practice closer together. Minimum 3000 words and maximum 5000 words. For more information please visit our Voices page

*Please note: we do not accept published reports written for organisations or other stakeholders and we do not upload third party material. DGS is an academic journal, not an online repository. 

Formatting & Style

Please ensure that all formatting and style requirements are carefully followed before submission. Articles not following these requirements will be immediately returned.

  • Authors are required to submit their articles as a Word document with font Times New Roman or Arial size 12 in 1.5 line spacing and should include the title of the contribution in the main document.
  • Please do not indent paragraphs.
  • Please do not used numbered sections and sub-sections. Differentiate these by using bold or italics.
  • Do not use CAPS for section titles or anywhere in the text.
  • Please do not use headers or footers
  • Please ensure all pages are numbered
  • Footnotes: Footnotes are not accepted in the text. If necessary, only use a small and limited number of endnotes. These are to be placed in sequence at the end of the text
  • Quotations: please indent quotations longer than three lines, separated by a space from the main text. Quotations must be in normal non-italicized font
  • Quotation marks: Please use  single (not double) quotation marks when required in text e.g. direct citations or for emphasis.
  • Lists: please use bullet to lay out a list that is not in any fixed order. For lists denoting a sequence, please use a numbered list.
  • Acronyms & Abbreviations: When using acronyms or abbreviations, please spell out in full the first time with the acronym in brackets. The acronym only can then be used.
  • Footnotes/endnotes: please do not use footnotes. Use endnotes instead. These must be clearly denoted as ‘Notes’ and placed at the end of the text just before the References. Where possible, please limit the use of endnotes and used to clarify or expand on a key point as opposed to inserting more readings and references. In the latter case, please use in-text citations.


Authors may submit their articles in English or Spanish (we also accept articles in Latin American Spanish). While the journal favours British spelling, we also accept American spelling, as long as there is consistency throughout the article.

We welcome contributions from everywhere, but if English is not your first language, it would be greatly appreciated if your article is checked and proofread by a third party before submission. We will assist with this if your article moves forward for publication.

While we do understand and are responsive to the nuances of language and other critical issues across cultures and contexts, the journal has a zero tolerance policy for any language or expressions that are offensive, derogatory or oppressive in any way. We promote people first language and encourage authors for journal consistency to adopt terms such as ‘disabled person’ or ‘person with a disability’ unless another term is adequately qualified and key in the research. Please make sure to read our policy guidelines

Figures & Tables

If figures and tables are used, please ensure they are cited in the main text and in a consecutive order (see Figure 1, Figure 2….) and then adequately labeled (placed on top of the figure or table in italics):

E.g.- Figure 1: The disability and poverty cycle

If any of the figures or tables is reproduced from a third party, please include the source:

E.g.- Figure 2: The disability and poverty cycle. Source: DFID (2000)

Please ensure that all permissions are obtained from third parties. If photos are used, please ensure they are of high enough resolution to be reproduced with clarity and once again that all permissions are obtained.

Article Structure

Cover Page

All articles require a cover sheet included with the original article submission as a single document. The cover page should include the following information:

  • Title of the article
  • The name(s) of the author(s)
  • Short biographical note about the author(s)
  • Institutional affiliation (if any)
  • Contactable email (corresponding author)

This information will be removed from the document before being sent on for anonymous review.


Please include an abstract (150-200 words), followed by 3 to 6 keywords separated by a semi-colon. The abstract should provide a short background, illustrate what the article sets out to do, followed by a summary of the main findings/arguments and the main conclusions. Please insert the heading ‘Abstract’ at the vert start.

Main Text

We encourage authors to structure and write in an accessible manner that is sequential and that enables the reader to understand and engage. We expect texts to have a clear introduction laying out the background and creating a clear case for the paper, followed by clear objectives. With papers with an empirical component, this should be followed by a methods section, results/findings, discussion and conclusion.

Please ensure that headings and sub-headings are clear and reflect the content in sections and subsections. Please use Bold (no italics) for main sections, and italics for subsections. Please refer to previous issues published in DGS.

Declaration of Interest

Any conflict of interest must be declared upon submission. Please see our policy guidelines

Acknowledgements (optional)
Any acknowledgements must be included under a heading ‘Acknowledgements’ after the main text and before the reference list.

Funding Information (if applicable)
If the research received funding, please provide details of the donor, the name of the grant and the grant number.


All references used in the text should be included in a reference list at the end of the text. The journal uses an adapted version of Harvard referencing:

In-text citations

As Escobar (1995:111) notes, ‘…local situations are subsumed under the professional discourse’.

Postcolonialism is a major terrain in discourse on disability in the global South (Meekosha, 2011; Grech, 2015).

Works with 2 or more authors:

This has been stated multiple times (Taylor et al., 2003).

Taylor et al. (2003) have made this point on multiple occasions.

Reference list


Said, E. (1993). Culture and Imperialism. London: Vintage Books.

Chapter in edited book

Kett, M. (2009). Conflict Recovery. In T. Barron and P. Amerena (eds.). Disability and Inclusive Development (pp. 155-183). London: Leonard Cheshire International.


Meekosha, M. (2011). Decolonising Disability: Thinking and Acting Globally. Disability & Society, 26(6),  667-682.

Books and Journals with more than 2 authors

Both in text and in the reference list, for authors or books with more than 2 authors, please use ‘et al’.

Taylor, J., Smith, P. et al. (2003). Book Title. Place: Publisher

Electronic journal article

Grech, S. (2008). Living with disability in rural Guatemala: exploring connections and impacts on poverty. International Journal of Disability, Community & Rehabilitation, Volume 7, No. 2. Available at:

Web document

Miles, M. (2011).  Blind and Sighted Pioneer Teachers in 19th Century China and India. UK: Independent Living Institute. Available at:

Conference papers

Grech, S. (2015). Estudios Críticos sobre la Discapacidad: Inclusión y la responsabilidad universidades, académicos y aliados. Paper presented at the conference ‘Miradas Críticas de la Inclusión y Participación en el Abordaje de las Necesidades Educativas Especiales’, Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile, 27th August.


Soldatic, K. and Fitts, M. (2018). At what cost?’ Indigenous Australians’ experiences of applying for disability income support (Disability Support Pension). New South Wales: Western Sydney University.

Theses and dissertations

Last name, First name. (Year). Title. PhD thesis. University name, Location.

Newspaper articles

Gibbs, E. (2019). Australia tries to block disabled people from coming here – it’s part of our ugly history. The Guardian, 15th May.


While we do appreciate that articles may be theoretical, we expect all research and publications involving human subjects and human data to be conducted with utmost care and respect to protect the person and impose no harm, directly or indirectly to the subject and/or his/her family, community and acquaintances. Please read our full policy on ethics in our policy guidelines


Copyright of material submitted and accepted for publication remains with the author(s). The author(s) grants the journal the right to publish the work. Only articles that have not been published in other journals, or are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, will be considered. Following publication in the journal, authors are free and encouraged to share the article widely but in its entirety and unaltered, and as long as the initial publication in this journal is acknowledged and clearly stated. The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Please see our policy guidelines


DGS is published free of cost to both authors and readers. All articles are free to download everywhere and are to be shared at no cost and free of charge.